Tuesday 27 October 2015

Work for The Love


Work for The Love.
Docks at the Shipyard Where Te Aroha was born.
Mahi Ki Te Aroha.

The most striking potential for Te Aroha seems to be as a nexus for the Sharing of Knowledge, past present and future, shipboard, shipyard and in the wider community. Its been a widely expressed opinion that This Ship with her diverse, and enduring story, is the true Spirit of New Zealand.

Te Aroha has accumulated aboard her, and around her, Practical Sustainable Technologies collected from over a century, proven and demonstrated as functional shipsystems. We've had emphatic support for the position that this should not cease.
 Most classic ships that are restored are turned into glossed and polished versions of how they were originally built, and used for floating restaurants or tourist harbour cruises. Their history is disrespected and deleted. Or if their life's mementos are preserved at all, its as a kind of tombstone, a static museum display, offering only a peephole into an irrelevant seeming bygone era.

We will polish Te Aroha with emphasis on function and found a trust to keep her alive and help her continue to be a living working accumulator of worthy knowledge to bequeath to the many generations that will in future share Te Aroha.


We have the opportunity to share knowledge of construction systems that have proven capable of handling a Century of daily abuse in a working environment.
 By applying modern knowledge of chemistry, metallurgy, and physics to the best of them we can renew Te Aroha fresh, stronger and tougher than ever, for a potential lifespan of thousands of years.
 Much of these materials and technologies existed at the time of her 1909 launch, but lacked only the knowledge of what was going on at the molecular level to perfect it and realise the full potential. The pre world war, pre oil technologies of the day were the peak of simple elegant repairable, and environmentally positive, rather than destructive engineering, before the downhill slide into fragile, disposable, shiny, over-complex, image before substance design of the modern world.

Here we have an example where Acetic acid - common vinegar- is infused into timber and baked to enhance the natural acetylation of cellulose that trees use to convert sapwood to heartwood. A process invented in 1927, and only being commercialized now.  Data from Scion forestry research in Rotorua:

We will discuss and develop these opportunities on the Blog. Please don't feel shy in commenting and providing ideas and feedback. We will moderate comments before they appear for now. If you want to ask questions or provide input anonomously then just say.


 With over fifty thousand passenger-days per year Te Aroha is ideal as a base vessel for:
-Marine scientific research and ecology restoration.
-Spirit and teambuilding for the disadvantaged and all sectors of society.
-AquaPermaculture industry development.
-Eco and Edu-Tourism.

 Potential is massive on national and international coasts, and in the surface and underwater marine environment, with onboard accommodation for 24 already and easily another 32 beds comfortably aboard seven shipborne self-sufficient vessels for passengers, and remote operated submarine and airborne drones already either in the project or in development inhouse that can be piloted from any computer in the world.

We will discuss and develop these opportunities on the Blog. Please don't feel shy in commenting and providing ideas and feedback. We will moderate comments before they appear for now. If you want to ask questions or provide input anonymously then just say.

Aaron Franklin.


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